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You ask and we answer.

  • What do I do if I smell gas?
    If you think you smell propane in your home, RV or the area around any gas equipment; or if a gas alarm signals the presence of propane, you should do the following: - Extinguish all smoking materials and turn off any open flames - Vacate the building or vehicle immediately - Do not use any electrical switches, appliances, thermostats or telephones in the affected area - Turn your main gas shutoff valve to the off position (righty, tighty) - Call Partridge and/or your local fire department from a cell phone or neighbor’s phone - Do no re-enter the building until advised to do so - An odorant is purposely put into the tank to help easily detect leaks or broken pipes. Safety is our #1 priority. - Even if you do not continue to smell propane, do not turn on the supply valve until a qualified Partridge service technician or emergency personnel tests for escaped propane. - - - NEVER test for propane using an open flame. Only suitable leak detection devices should be used. Your Partridge service technician will check all of your appliances and re-light any gas pilots when the leak situation has been fixed.
  • Why isn't my tank filled to 100% capacity?
    Your propane is delivered and stored in liquid form. Propane liquid, for example, will expand (become a gas) nearly 17 times more than water over the same temperature increase. As a result, tanks and cylinders are never completely filled with propane liquid. Tanks are filled to about 80 to 85 percent of their capacity. This leaves a space above the liquid, which allows the propane liquid to expand freely due to changes in temperature. Heat is added to or taken from propane stored in a tank or cylinder by transfer directly to or from the air surrounding the container. Hot days, cool nights, rain and snow are a few of the many factors that affect the temperature of the liquid. Because of these ambient temperature changes, you may see fluctuations in your container gauge.
  • Is Propane flammable?
    Propane has a narrow range of flammability. The propane/air mix must contain 2.2 to 9.6 percent propane vapor to ignite. Any less than 2.2 percent and the mixture is too lean to burn. Any more than 9.6 percent and the mixture is too rich to burn. Propane will not ignite when combined with air unless the source of ignition reaches at least 940°F. In contrast, gasoline will ignite when the source of ignition reaches 430° to 500°F. Propane is released as a vapor from a pressurized container. Propane is stored as a liquid in its tank. In the unlikely event that liquid propane leaks, it will vaporize and dissipate into the air.
  • Is propane environmentally friendly fuel>
    Propane, one of the cleanest burning fuels available, is the clear choice for our environment. Propane burns cleaner than gasoline and other fossil fuels. It emits lower levels of carbon dioxide and particulates and doesn’t produce sulfur dioxide, a primary cause of the greenhouse effect. Propane is non-toxic and vaporizes quickly, so it won’t contaminate soil or groundwater. Propane is also a natural by-product of the crude oil or natural gas refining process and is in plentiful supply – there’s enough propane to meet America’s needs in the 21st century. Most of the propane used in the United States is produced right here. All these factors make propane one of the most versatile fuels you can find.
  • Do propane prices change
    Propane prices respond quickly to any situation that might affect supply and demand. Some examples are unexpectedly cold or warm weather, supply interruptions or excess production. These changes may be reflected in the wholesale price we pay for the propane that we deliver to you, and consequently, in the prices you pay for such propane.
  • How do I read the guage on my propane tank?
    Not all tanks have gauges. If your tank does have a gauge, it is located on the top of the tank, usually under a liftable hood. (Note: Please be careful when you lift the hood; insects sometimes nest there.) For your convenience and comfort, please call your local Partridge Propane office if your gauge reading measures 20 percent or less. If you don’t have a gauge on your tank, or if you have questions, please call us. You may also want to consider our Automatic Delivery service. As an Automatic Delivery customer you never have to worry about checking the level of propane in your tank, calling for a delivery or running out of fuel. We deliver based on your household needs and local weather patterns to make sure there’s always enough fuel in your tank.
  • What is propane gas?
    Propane is sometimes referred to as liquefied petroleum gas, LP gas, or LPG. It is produced from either natural gas processing or crude oil refining. About 90 percent of our propane is produced in America, making it a stable, domestic energy source. It is nontoxic, colorless and virtually odorless – but, for your protection, odor is added so it can be easily detected when necessary. The chemical odorant that is added is called ethyl mercaptan, which has a strong smell similar to rotten eggs. Propane is an environmentally responsible fuel. It is much cleaner than home heating oil, kerosene, or electricity. It is also up to 99 percent efficient. Coal-burning, electric power plants emit twice as much carbon dioxide into the atmosphere as propane, at a 28 percent efficiency rate. Propane is a valuable alternative to electricity and significantly reduces emission of greenhouse gases. Compact and easy to transport, Partridge propane is delivered to the most remote areas of a community, as well as local neighborhoods that don’t have access to natural gas.
  • How can I prepare for a flood or hurricane?
    - If possible, secure the propane tank - Turn the main gas shutoff valve to the off position (righty, tighty) - Fasten the protective dome on the tank - Turn off appliance pilot lights, control valves and manual shutoff valves - Be sure the tank’s fuel supply level is above 30 percent - After the flood or hurricane has passed, look for any signs of structural damage. - Call your Partridge Propane service technician if: - You smell propane gas - The propane tank has shifted or moved - The tank regulator was exposed to water - The gas lines have pulled away from the tank or appliance or if the lines are damaged, bent or broken - Propane appliances or controls were exposed to water
  • What can I do to conserve energy costs?
    - Contact your local Partridge Propane service center to schedule an appointment for a check-up of your heating system. - Change or clean furnace filters once a month during the heating season. - Replace old, outdated appliances with high-efficiency models. - Close vent and doors in unused rooms and dampers on unused fireplaces. - Lower the thermostat on water heaters to 120 degrees Fahrenheit. - Check to see if your attic and basement have the recommended levels of insulation. - Keep the lint filter on your dryer clean. Dirty lint filters restrict air flow and can also be fire hazards. - Lower your thermostats when away from the house for more than a few hours. - Install an automatic setback or programmable thermostat.
  • How can I convert gallons to cubic feet?
    This conversion may vary depending on altitude, temperature and meter type. Please check with your local Partridge Propane office to get the correct conversion formula.


Partridge Propane is a locally owned and operated full-service propane delivery company. Since 1988, we have been reliably delivering propane to homes and businesses across Mississippi.

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2076 Highway 49 South
Florence, MS 39073

735 East Peace Street
Canton, MS 39046

135 W. Main St.
Forest, MS 39074

505 Main Ave. South
Magee, MS 39111

106 Choctaw Shopping Center
Choctaw, MS 39350

(c) 2021 Partridge Propane  .  All Rights Reserved  .  Website designed and managed by NIBL

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